WW2247 - Wehrmacht Infantry with Rifles VII (4)
WW2237 - Soviet Infantry with SMGs II (4)
WW2274 - U.S Paras with SMGs I (4)
WW2013 - U.S. Infantry with SMGs I - Thompsons (4)
FA0128 - Wraith Lords I (3)
WW2027 - U.S. Infantry Bazooka Teams I (4)
WW2022 - Soviet Scouts I (4)
WW2018 - Wehrmacht Infantry with SMGs II (4)
FD1033 - Warriors of Islam Infantry with Swords II (4)
WW2193 - British Mortar Team
WW2273 - GI Radio Team (3)
WW2251 - Soviet Scouts (4)
WW2234 - Gebirgsjager with Rifles I (4)
WW2220 - Russian 82mm Mortar Team
WW2165 - Fallschirmjager with Panzerschrek (4)
WW2032 - U.S. Infantry with Rifles III (4)
WW2026 - Wehrmacht Infantry with Rifles - MP44 I (4)
FD1034 - Warriors of Islam Infantry with Spears II (4)
DA1028 - Saxon Unarmoured Archers I (4)
WW2202 - British Infantry Communication Teams (4)
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